Monday, February 22, 2010

snow day!!!!

hayden just finished up his week long midwinter break and was ready to head back to school this morning. but when we woke up and saw the snow outside i quickly turned on the news to see if he would actually be going back. turns out all of the schools in the area were cancelled and he was so excited to have TEN days off instead of just nine!
i had to go to the dr. for my 38 week check up and instead of dragging him and talan along i dropped them off at mom and dad's house. as i was getting them ready to go, i decided i should pack up their snow pants and other snow gear just in case i decided to take them outside to play for a bit after my appointment.
i got back from the dr., ate something and then decided to put on the gear and head outside. we haven't been in the snow at all this year as there really hasn't been much (which is fine by me!!!). the last snow day hayden had (just the week before his break), the snow wasn't good packing snow and hayden had been complaining of a sore we all were just getting over having a stomach we stayed in.
today the snow was the perfect packing snow and there was A LOT of it! talan probably didn't even realize you could actually go outside and play in the stuff instead of just looking at it from inside. but he was more than ready to head out. as he does all summer, he ran to get a truck to take outside with him. he had no idea that trucks just don't work well in the snow.
so out we all went...even mom and dad came out for the fun. and it actually was fun. i mean, i probably won't do it again this year, but it was good for a day!
we went out and started making a hill down the deck stairs like we did when i was a kid so the boys could sled down it. we made a snow man...kind of...and then talan destroyed it with a shovel, mom made hayden a fort that he could duck behind while we had a snowball fight. i ended up getting him right in the face and he took it really well. later, he got it in the face again...i can't remember if it was from mom or dad...i think mom, but i'm not positive.
talan just loved running around the yard and stopping every couple of seconds to pick up more snow to eat. the snow was pretty deep so he kept falling but he always got up with a smile on his face. he loved it! he didn't ever seem to care when his coat would ride up and he'd get snow around his ankles or wrists.
at one point, tucker, the dog next door, came running over to play with us. talan would run away yelling "he's going to chash me!" over and over again. and at one point, tucker actually tackled talan. knocked him down, face first in the snow. it honestly was one of the funniest things i've ever seen and wish i had my video camera out for it! talan wasn't as thrilled by it, but he didn't totally freak out either. he also wasn't very happy that at one point tucker ran over and stole his shovel from him. he then ran around the two yards as hayden and i tried to get it back. it took some work, but we eventually got it.
after probably an hour and a half or so, both hayden and talan had bright red cheeks and i told them it was about time to head in. we got a lot of complaints of course, but hayden took 5 more trips down the sledding hill and then we headed in. mom made the boys some "hot" chocolate, but because of hayden's hatred of anything even luke warm, it was closer to chocolate milk than hot chocolate. but they were both happy with it.
as we were pulling out of mom and dad's driveway hayden said "wow! i had no idea this was going to be such a fun snow day!" it really did turn out to be a great day!
and now the snow can melt and leave us alone for the rest of the year.

ready to go play in the snow!:

first up...snow angels!:

talan stopping for a snack:

that snow was deep!:
and delicious:
don't make fun, that hill was steep!:

building a snowman:

sledding time!:

talan was sizing him up. he later destroyed him with his shovel:

snowball fight!!!:
snot and snow:
mom took them both down:

mom laughing at her handy work. and hayden took it like a champ:

after he destroyed the snowman, he then ate its remains:

talan after the horrible spill down the hill:
still rolling:

last run of the day:

38 weeks

today i turned 38 weeks and went in for my 38 week appointment. we woke up to a whole lot of snow on the ground and a snow day for hayden.
instead of dragging both of the boys to the dr., i dropped them off at mom and dad's before heading over for my appointment.
i actually ended up in the hospital at almost 36 weeks. i woke up on a thursday and felt really off. i went to church for mops that morning and came home to take a nap. when i woke up i still felt off but never would have thought i was sick. that nite dave and i had to go to church for a class and i started feeling worse and worse. i had a stomach cramp that felt almost like a bit of food poisoning but i really didn't that that was it.
we got home from class and that evening i just kept feeling worse. i ended up getting 3 hours of sleep MAX and was so uncomfortable i couldn't lay, sit or stand. i still didn't really feel sick but i was more miserable than i've ever been in my whole life. i waited until about 7am before i called the dr. and i was told they would like to see me. my whole stomach was sore when i would get up and walk which concerned them a bit and they wanted to make sure there wasn't some kind of infection.
so after we got hayden off to school, we dropped off talan with mom and dad and then headed to the hospital. everyone at check in was asking "are you in labor?" i gave them all a very firm NO as i was nowhere ready for the baby to come!
they got us upstairs and settled in a room. they hooked up a monitor to the baby and saw that i was having contractions every 3-4 minutes. they hooked me up to an iv and once it was gone the contractions had stopped. there was no infection and i wasn't dilated at all so the dr. came in to tell me i could go since the iv seemed to have worked. dave had just gone downstairs to get something to eat so the dr. said they'd just give me 1 more iv and then i could go.
so the nurse comes in, hooks the iv up and starts asking me questions to fill in my chart. as she's asking the questions i suddenly started getting really warm and then i started to see some stars. all of a sudden i felt like i had to puke. so she grabbed a bucket which i filled up in seconds as she was getting another one. i still never really felt sick and am convinced they must have laced the second iv bag.
so of course, since i threw up, the dr. decided she wanted to keep me longer just to make sure i was ok and wasn't going to start throwing everything up. it was just a 24-48 hour stomach virus that was going around (i hadn't heard of anyone having it until about a week after i had it, then suddenly i was hearing of TONS of people coming down with it) so all was fine about a day later....and then dave came down with it!
the hospital visit was on friday and on monday i had my 36 week appointment. the dr. checked me and said that i was 1 centimeter dilated and that i probably was that at the hospital on friday but they either didn't tell me or didn't do "that aggressive of a check." everything was fine for that appointment and i was feeling world's better.
i didn't get in for a 37 week check as my dr. was on vacation and nobody else could see me until friday. at that point i figured i'd just wait 2 more days and go see dr. hakim on monday for my 38 week appointment.
once again, the appointment went well. he said i am still measuring perfectly and that my blood pressure and weight are great. no concerns at all. i think i'm up to about a 20 pound weight gain now which he is very happy with. so my next appointment is on monday march 1st. i can't believe i only have 2 weeks left until this baby is due!!! and we still don't have a boy name picked out. we have 2 girl names we go back and forth on and now dave has decided to add a 3rd into the mix (it was in the mix, but i thought we were set on 1 or 2...not this 3rd one...he likes to stress me out!)
we have finished the boys room, the nursery, cleaned and organized the basement, gotten the baby clothes washed and put away, gotten the bottles washed and put away, bought diapers, formula, have the swing and bouncer seat out and the car seat is waiting to be installed. so at this point, we are ready....other than a name!!!
i'm actually feeling a little better than i was a few weeks ago but am still uncomfortable quite a bit of the time. dave thinks i'll go early, he doesn't think this baby will be born in march, but i'm still shooting for having it on march we'll see! even with being uncomfortable i don't necessarily want this baby out. i really don't mind being pregnant and know that i'll miss it (to an extent) later, so i'm just trying to enjoy it as much as i can right now as i know the baby could be here any day now.
i had hayden take my picture again to see how huge i've gotten....which is pretty dang huge. enjoy!