Thursday, March 22, 2007

we're getting closer.....

this morning i went in for yet another non-stress test. the baby LOVES to move around before i leave for my appointment. then, when i get there and all hooked up to the machine, the baby has decided that would be the perfect time to stop moving and take a nap. on tuesday this happened and i had lunch plans. so i'm sitting in the room pushing and poking at my stomach trying to get this kid to move. which it wouldn't. the heart rate was great. steady at about 138. i know that with hayden, the times i wasn't feeling him move, they sent me for an ultrasound to make sure everything was ok. and it always was. he was always in there moving around like crazy, but i couldn't feel it because of all of the extra fluid. so the dr. comes in and i tell him the kid isn't cooperating and i have lunch plans. then he pulled out the magical zapper. i'd totally forgotten about it. it's just a little thing that vibrates and makes some noise that they put on your stomach to wake the baby up. he zapped me and the baby moved immediately. i want a zapper like that for hayden. something that will make him do what i want him to do anytime i zap him. same thing happened this morning. heart rate was great, but baby was sleeping and not moving. but i was feeling my stomach tighten quite a bit, which i have come to find out, actually are contractions.
again. you're dealing with a very out of touch from her own body person over here. i guess i've just always thought, contractions? well, they hurt, right? and my stomach tightening doesn't hurt. so it's just another thing that happens when you're pregnant. it's a weird complex process ya know.
so i'm watching this machine and my contraction number go up. some of them seemed to be pretty big. which just means my stomach felt tighter than ever. it's kinda nice. makes you feel like you have abs of steel when really, you have the furthest thing from it.
so the dr. comes in after probably the biggest one and says "oh, you're really contracting, huh?" yeah, i guess. if that's what you call it these days. he asked if i felt it and i said, "well, yeah. i feel my stomach getting tighter." he made sure they weren't hurting and all of that to which i replied "well no, but about an hour before i had my son these 'contractions' didn't hurt." he told me to watch them and drink plenty of liquids today. said that i could be contracting this way because of the extra fluid. guess it causes contracting. who knew?!
jessica was texting me right when i got out from my appointment and was asking "well how far apart?" like i know these things. who does she think she's talking too. rest easy, jessica. i'm sure we've still got some time. although, we are getting closer....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay! You are so gonna have a March baby...I can feel it... :] we'll see...I have a 50/50 shot!