Sunday, June 17, 2007

father's day

happy father's day to all father's reading this post. hope you had a wonderful day. we had a nice, relaxing one. much smaller with jessica gone and jenn, don and rainah up in grand rapids, but it was still really nice. mom and dad came over and we grilled and ate outside. it was delicious. after awhile i hooked up hayden's new beach ball sprinkler and let him run through it. at one point dave pointed to a hole in the neighbors "bell free" (i have no idea, he told me that's what it was and i just believed him) at the top of his garage and said "i wonder what's living in there." minutes later, i look up and see a tail sticking out from the top of the garage door. a raccoon decided to chill there and stick his head out every once in awhile to see what we were up to. hayden was there though so he didn't dare come out. here was our day in photo form:

hayden, dave and talan on father's day eve. i was so focused on getting hayden to look at the camera that when he actually did i'd take the picture look at it and realize dave was making a stupid face. this was the best we had:
dad, talan and hayden dumping water down his slide:
hayden playing in the beach ball sprinkler:
hayden trying to fill up a bucket. he never did get much:
taking a drink:
"crabby joe" as dad named him 4 years ago:
dad decided to try the look out:
"nobody" hayden had a major meltdown at the end of the day and when we asked him what we should name the raccoon his just kept saying "nobody." so here is nobody, our new next door neighbor:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, so if I wasn't a part of this family, I'd look at these pictures and say..."wow, what a weird bunch of people"!!! Except for those beautiful children of yours!!