Monday, August 13, 2007

no elephants at a zoo?!

today we took our annual visit to the detroit zoo. last year we actually didn't go because i was working. but the year before, heather went into labor and hayden had me in tears. this year was a lot better. i was never in tears and heather didn't go into labor. i was a bit worried seeing as though i only have a single stroller and now 2 kids. but hayden did rather well staying with us this time and stopping when i yelled stop. usually on the first time too. we went with heather, andrew, ellanore, henry, and yet to be born and named wood as well as jenne and trey villanueva. talan stayed in the stroller the whole time and i'd have to check every so often to make sure he didn't fall out. man, that kid is great. here's what we did:

because hayden's face is pointed at the camera he thinks he's actually looking at it:
jenne and trey:
heather (with baby wood inside), henry, andrew and ellanore wood:
hayden and ella:
man is it hard not to touch the butterflies:
camels and hayden actually looking at the camera:
ella, hayden, trey and a monkey:
this is just a rad picture. they weren't really looking at anything:
hayden is not so sure that bear isn't gonna bust through the glass:
or fall right through:
cute kids. i think a seal is somewhere behind them:
this is to prove that talan was actually there.
you have no idea how hard it was not to push him in. a little less hard than 2 years ago, but still hard:
i felt like we were in an episode of lost:
he was thrilled with the kangaroos. they were supposed to be hopping around among us, but they all were just laying under trees:
hayden told me the giraffes were his favorite part. however, he was only there for about 2 seconds:
the woods plus talan on the train ride back. andrew doesn't realize talan has no idea what pointing even is:
a train. hayden's idea of heaven:

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