Wednesday, September 3, 2008

the brunch

despite getting to bed after 1am on saturday, hayden woke up sunday morning at 7am. we managed to sleep in a little longer before talan got up, but not much.
mom had decided since there were so many people in from out of town for the wedding that she would hold a brunch. i am convinced she did it for me and dave since it was our 12 year anniversary that day but nobody got us any gifts. rude.
some people had left earlier that morning and couldn't make it, but there were still about 25 people there to eat and watch jess and justin open gifts.
they stuck around for awhile before heading out to get ready for their trip to jamaica that they were leaving for early monday morning. when they left it was pretty tough knowing that they would only be back one day before leaving for 3 months. feels like haiti all over again.
hopefully they're having a great time with great weather right now and we'll see them in a couple of days!

jessica confused as to what you do with a picture frame:
family bible with their names inscribed on it from aunt ruth and uncle jeff:
a terrific haitian painting of people jumping off a boat and being eaten by sharks. i guess justin saw this when he was there last year and it was shockingly still available. teresa always has the best gifts:

the audience:

he can't ever leave justin alone:
dave went upstairs to put talan down for a nap. when he didn't come down, i figured dave fell asleep up there too. i guess the room with the pack and play was being used so this is what they did:
i let rainah borrow my tiara just long enough for a picture. when i told her to smile, this is what i got:
no smiles...eyes open:

grandpa, grandma and aunt ruth:
the deer that always comes to visit mom and dad:
hayden and robin:
awhile later i went back upstairs and they were STILL sleeping:

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