Monday, March 23, 2009

hippety hoppety easter's on its way...

jenn and rainah came for a visit late in the week and we were hoping to take the kids to see the easter bunny since twelve oaks not only has the greatest santa, but also the greatest easter bunny. unfortunately, the bunny didn't arrive until saturday morning which was when jenn and rainah were leaving. they still decided to go right before they headed home, but i decided not to since we have a lot of work we are doing in the basement.
when i heard there were NO lines, i was kinda bummed. so sunday after church we decided to head over to the mall to see the bunny and introduce justin to olga's.
once again, no lines and it's nice to have that over with since we have so much to do in the basement before talan's birthday party in just a few short weeks!
hayden did a great job and sat right down next to the bunny and just looked at the cameras the whole time. talan would sit for a few seconds and then jump down and run away. no tears, just running. we eventually got him to sit on the bench next to the bunny and got a bunch of pictures.
when we were finishing up lunch talan kept saying "hop hop hop!" he wanted to see the bunny again.
i'm not able to scan the official bunny picture here at home, so hopefully i can post it sometime this week. until then, here are some of the unofficial ones.

talan seemed pretty interested at first:

but not interested enough to have dave force him into the bunny's lap. hayden watches in amusement:
trying to break away from the bunny's death grip:

free at last! i didn't notice until after i uploaded the photos, but hayden sat with his hand on the bunny's back the entire time:
wondering if talan will ever come back:
we lured him back over to the bunny by having him give him a high five:
the high five worked and he finally sat still. and for more then 3 seconds even!:

talan finally warmed up enough to move from high fives to a hug. and hayden is still still patiently.:
presents for everyone!:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ahh what fun. cute pics!