Thursday, May 14, 2009

8 years and counting

every year we celebrate our "anniversary" with a group of friends whom we met (at least 3 of the couples all met) at the wedding of eric and jennie shanburn when we were all seated at table 17. they were married on 4/20 (and they aren't even druggies) so we try to have our anniversary party around that time every year.
we have grown from being a group of 11 adults to now having those 11 plus 8 kids. now that we no longer go to the same church, many of us only see each other this one time a year. it's so great to be able to keep in touch this way and to get together and see how our families have grown and catch up on the past year.
this year we had the party at scott and susie loudon's home in ortonville and everyone was able to make it for the second year in a row!
there was a pretty big storm that blew through the area a few hours before we all got together and the power was actually out when we got there. dave and scott ran out to get some water and when they got home, the power came back on.
the kids had a great time playing together outside and then we all came in for a great dinner of hamburgers, hot dogs, salad, mac and cheese, fruit, and the list goes on.
after dinner all of the guys went out to the gorgeous studio that scott built and played around for awhile. unfortunately, i wasn't able to get a group shot this year, but i did get some family shots.
it was so great seeing you all again this year, i look forward to it every year. happy anniversary!!!

talan LOVED the swing even though he kept slipping off. he had no fear and would take his hands off, lean back and look all around:

dinner time!:

scott, joseph, dave and eric. one of these things is not like the others....:
samuel and hayden in a rare moment of sitting:
this is their favorite game at the loudon house:
talan LOVED this french horn:
niki, everett, and matt nichols:
kacha, eden, cielle, and michelle azema:
always an adventure getting a family photo:
scott, estella, susie and samuel. unfortunately, joseph was sleeping when i was taking the family photos:
melissa weckler and jennie and eric shanburn:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad someone remembers to take pictures of these things!!! You're awesome Jill.
Thanx again for organizing, Michelle