Thursday, March 18, 2010

easter bunny trip 2010

we decided to make our annual easter bunny trip on march 15th because jenn and rainah were going to be in town as well as justin and jessica. i figure, the more adults there to help me out the better!
unfortunately, rainah came down with a high fever that day so she and jenn stayed home with dad who wasn't feeling that great either. so once dave got home from work, we packed up all three kids and headed to 12 oaks to meet up with mom and justica.
talan had been looking at last years picture of him and hayden with the bunny so he was all set to go. as soon as we headed towards the bunny, talan just walked right over, climbed up on the bench and sat right next to him. hayden followed suit as the photographer placed a sleeping 9 day old london in the easter bunny's arms.
justin and i started snapping pictures before the lady told us we weren't allowed. i had read the sign, as i do every year, and i ignored it, as i do every year. i got a few pictures and once she started printing the picture, i took a few more. i'm always a rebel.
the kids did great and talan has been asking every day since if we are going back to see the easter bunny again.

london in her easter dress:

brothers don't shake hands, brothers hug!:
nothing says family portrait like the 12 oaks elevator:

easter bunny time:

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