Monday, April 19, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

a day at the woods-spring break day #2

for our second day of spring break week, we headed over to the woods house to hang out with them and suzi and redding martin.
the woods graciously allowed us to stay ALL DAY until we finally left to go pick dave up from work.
the kids all played great together with only one incident. involving talan. and mustard. he apparently decided it would be a good idea to play with it once lunch was done. when we found it, there was mustard all over a toy, the floor, talan, henry and the couch.

heather, suzi and me:
ella, redding, hayden and henry:
cordelia and talan:

Monday, April 5, 2010

a day at the park-spring break day #1

spring break week has started which means the first full week i'll be home, alone, with all three kids. just a little practice for the summer! we actually have a fairly booked week though which will certainly help!
today we headed to the park with the villanueva's. while we were there, hayden ran into a friend from school and introduced him to trey. all three boys got along great, with talan chasing after them thinking he was as big as they were.
thanks for making day 1, a fun one, guys!

trey, callum and hayden:

london came along too:

hayden climbing the rock wall:

Sunday, April 4, 2010

easter fun

we had a very busy, but fun, easter today! the boys started out the morning by looking for their easter baskets. hayden found talan's first in the entertainment center but couldn't find his. after looking for a fairly long time, and with a few clues, he was finally able to find his under london's crib.
hayden then sat down for breakfast as i was getting ready, dave was still laying in bed, and talan was sitting in the living room eating candy.
once breakfast was finished, the kids all got dressed and we took our traditional easter pictures. the boys did great and london managed to open her eyes for just a few of the pictures.
we all headed off to church where the boys were able to walk through a little petting farm with baby ducks, baby bunnies and some baby goats. talan didn't seem to care too much, especially once he found a basketball. after ripping the ball away from him, we finally wrangled up the troops and headed out to the car so we could go over to mom and dad's house for the day.
our friends matt, amy and elias hader were in town and they had called the nite before asking if they could stop over for just a few minutes so that they could meet london. they showed up soon after we got to mom and dad's and were able to spend about a half hour with us. we don't get to see them very often...sometimes just once a year when we stay with them for we take any chance we can get to see them, if only for a few minutes!
after they left, we then tried to get the kids to somewhat cooperate and have their picture taken outside. it was as it always is...mad chaos with 3 1/2 personalities shinning through. hayden could hardly keep his eyes open in the sun as he held on to london, while talan and rainah were crazy. there were 3 or 4 cameras and 100's of pictures taken of this same shot and i don't think a single one of them had all 4 kids looking at the camera and smiling. but they were fun pictures, nonetheless.
everybody came in and ate lunch and soon after the kids were ready for their easter egg hunt. it was a gorgeous day out so we then all headed outside to play for a bit. and not too long after, the dessert and snack table was set up!
on the ride home, it was already past the boys' bedtime, and hayden suddenly said "wait! we didn't even eat dinner!" he couldn't really grasp the fact that on holiday's, we typically have snacks and dessert for "dinner!"

hayden, london, talan and their easter baskets:

hayden michael:

talan cash:

london avery (4 weeks):

the easter bunny even left some good stuff for me and dave:
the northridge petting farm:

this goat was SO cute. talan refused to come see it as he was busy playing with a basketball:
the kids:

the easter egg hunt:

talan's egg was under that hat:
when he moved the hat, the egg rolled out and he didn't see it. he spent WAY too long looking all around for it, completely missing it right behind him:
he FINALLY found it:

jessica and london getting some sun:
bubble time:

the snack and dessert buffet:
justin and london taking a nap:
talan and rainah playing with an iphone: