Saturday, April 3, 2010


there isn't much to say other than we once again dyed easter eggs. the eggs were pretty big and the cups were a little small, so it made the task of taking them out a whole lot harder. this year talan dyed his fingers as he was trying to "gently" put the eggs into the cups.
hayden chose yellow for his egg and i asked him over and over again if he was sure. his favorite color is red so i told him i was surprised he didn't choose that. but he insisted he wanted yellow. of course, once all of the eggs were dyed he started having a mini meltdown because red was really the color that he wanted.

mr. manager making sure talan is doing it right:
and there go talan's fingers right into the cup of dye:

patiently waiting:

the finished product:

london had to get in on the fun too:

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