Thursday, May 10, 2007

life as the mother of two

adjustment to life as 4 has been going rather smoothly over here. nothing too major. hayden, talan and myself manage to get out the door every morning by 8:05am to head to school. and i've always been back to pick hayden up by 11am. although one day i woke up from my nap at 10:44am. just a minute before i usually head out the door. good thing talan was still sleeping in his car seat. i just picked him up, snapped the seat in the car and we were off. he has been sleeping through the nite pretty well too. some nites are rougher than others. but for about 4 nites in a row now he's slept from about 11:30pm until anywhere from 5:30-7:30am. i still feel like i'm losing tons of sleep, but it's not that horrible.
last nite i fed talan his bottle and put him down a little after 11:30. i finished watching my show and then headed to bed around midnite. i suddenly woke from my sleep around 2:30am not from a screaming one month old but a 4 year old yelling "mom. mommy. mommy." i ran in and he told me to turn on the light. i did and he told me that he puked. he got a little panicked and kept saying "but i can't lay down. there is puke on my covers." dave picked him up and carried him to the bathroom in case he had gotten it on himself. but he was panicked and wouldn't listen to our explanation. he just wanted to get changed in his room, not the bathroom. we realized he had very thoughtfully only puked on his sheet. so we took him back to his room and i changed him while dave changed the sheets. 4 years and this was the first time we had to do anything like this. not too bad. we were easily able to put him back to bed and i believe he fell asleep relatively quickly after that.
5:30am i wake up to the one month old screaming to eat. i feed him, i change him, i rock him, i lay him back in bed. he cried for a little bit but has realized that at that 6am in our house, if you're fed, and changed we're not getting up for you. so he fell back to sleep.
7:30am i wake up to dave getting out of bed for work and hayden coming into my bed talking my ear off and telling me he's not sick anymore because the cough he had yesterday is all gone (it isn't). i send him off to watch a show while i lay in bed for another 1/2 or so before i get up to change and feed him and then the one month old starts screaming to be fed and changed as well.
so now it's just about 12:30pm and they have both been fed and changed but i haven't. talan should be waking up soon and screaming to eat once again and hayden will be headed for his nap in a half hour. maybe i'll get another 2 hour sleep break if i'm lucky.
we're still working on the photo situation. dave is planning on doing all he can to get the camera working so it downloads the photos onto our home computer. then i PROMISE i'll be posting much more regularly with lots of pictures. and again i say, i hate computers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill. This is Tara Byers. (Ryan's wife- we met YEARS ago in Kzoo). Anyway, after some communique w/the Bakewells, I was checking out your blog...congrats to you and your husband. Your boys are beautiful!! I just wanted to let you know that Ryan has a blog too- I thought you might like to check it out. (There's a little blast from the past up there right now that you might enjoy). Or not...hope all is well & take care :)