Tuesday, May 1, 2007

the year of the illness and injury

our health insurance has a deductible that we must meet before they pay for anything. and it's a big deductible. $4000 to be exact. we actually only need to pay half of that (that would be $2000...just wanted to show off my super math skills) while the husband's company pays the other $2000. today in the mail i received the explanation of benefits from the insurance company for my labor and delivery. the total cost was almost $8000. of course, there were discounts because we were "in network" and all of that other crap. so that got the total down to $5000 something. my "room and board accommodations" totaled $2900. not worth it, let me tell you. at that price, you would think i stayed in a 5 star hotel. either that, or i stayed in a dump for a month. but no. i stayed in an uncomfortable hospital with sheets that aren't even real and food that i don't think was real either. if i wanted my tv turned on i had to pay $6 a day and i also had to pay to use the phone. no 5 star hotel. and i certainly wasn't there for a month. try a little over 24 hours. and the people coming in and out of my room at all hours of the nite were not coming in to fluff my pillow or leave me a mint, they were there to poke and prod at me and thing 2. and they charged me for that too.
anyway. because of that steep bill, we have now met our deductible. i mean, we haven't paid it yet, but i guess they have faith that we will actually pay it. so from now on, for the rest of this year, we are able to get as sick and as hurt as we want and it's totally covered. this may be the only year that this happens, so i plan on taking full advantage of it. i told the boy tonite at dinner that if he planned on getting really sick or breaking any bones, 2007 is the year to do it. he said "yeah! ok!" and gave a high five to the husband. the husband has been dealing with a messed up hand, foot and probably some other things for at least a year now...probably well over. so he plans on finally heading in for some x-rays and possibly some surgeries to correct these old football injuries. thing 2 has to go to the dr. every other month of course and has as whole mess of shots he needs to get. speaking of, the boy is able to get his kindergarten shots now if we want to....so i guess we will get them this year too. me? i'm not quite sure what i'm planning on, but i'll come up with something. i mean, it's only may. and i have said that 2007 is going to be the year of the gun for me. ahhhh, the possibilities are endless.

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