Wednesday, November 21, 2007

our little monday visit

our good friends matt and niki had a baby boy the beginning of september. you probably couldn't tell they are our good friends seeing as though we just got over to visit them on monday. we had it all planned out to go over and have dinner and visit and all that fun stuff and then we got sick. and it hasn't stopped since. nobody wants their new baby exposed to the 80 year old smokers cough that talan has going on, so we stayed away. but enough was enough and we just had to meet little everett. too bad dave was at work. well, maybe before he turns 10 we'll all get together.
hayden had the best time running around their HUGE yard with their overly active lab. at one point i caught him climbing up on a plastic play house trying to reach a ball that was stuck in the garage gutter. he honestly thought that he could climb up on the play house and jump to the garage roof and get the ball. turk wasn't helping because he too was also trying to jump to get it. turk ended up crashing on the living room floor and hayden fell asleep on the car ride home. when we were going to bed that nite hayden started fake crying (mostly to get out of going to bed) saying "but i miss the dog. i want to see the dog again." i think at least once a week those two need to get together for a play date. sure made talking to my friend a lot easier.
i tried getting hayden to get in a couple of pictures with everett and talan, but of course, he refused. i'm making sure to document all the times that i ask him to get into pictures. that way, when he grows up and says "how come after talan was born there are no pictures of me?" i can show him that it was all his doing. we tried. we really tried. who knows what you all will be getting on your christmas card this year.
so anyway. it was a nice visit and i'm sorry it didn't happen sooner. here's the proof that we actually got there before his first birthday.

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