Monday, November 26, 2007

two years in the making

about two years ago our friend jason came over to help me paint the landing to the basement. dave was off leading worship at a church so it was jason, me and hayden. i was in the kitchen doing something, possibly telling jason what to do, when hayden came in and started jumping around. no surprises there.
the counter top in our kitchen was white ceramic tile with blue grout that i'm assuming the people that lived here before us did themselves. and they did a really poor job of it. it was nice looking, but in many areas the grout was not sealed properly so blue chalk would come up just by touching it. and in time the tiles started to loosen as well.
so hayden's jumping. and as if in slow motion i saw the whole thing happen. he was the perfect height at the time. he got right under the edge of the counter and came up right at the corner, where the tile was the weakest. ceramic tile busted all over the kitchen. he just stopped for a second and looked around like "oh crap. i'm in big trouble now." then he realized that "wow. that really hurt." and then the tears came. but not for long, this is hayden we're talking about.
jason threw down the paint roller and ran over to look at hayden's head. we only noticed a small cut that wasn't bleeding too badly, so i figured no stitches would be needed. i mean, he did run his face into the corner of the wall on his second christmas with my best friend's husband watching in slow motion and we didn't give him stitches then. so i'm trying to keep some ice on it while jason is cleaning up the ceramic tile in the kitchen, and even in the living room.
that was two years ago. our counter top has had the wood exposed on that edge for two years. so we finally got around to getting a new counter. and sink. several weeks back, dave and i busted out most of the ceramic tile and then that weekend my dad came over to help us install the new counter and sink. boy has it ever made a difference.
now we only need to patch up some of the wall, pick out tile for the back splash and install it. any guesses on how long that will take us?!
thanks for all the help, dad!!!

safety first. yes, he did wear goggles:

without the sink in, there is so much extra counter space. i thought for a few seconds about just not putting the sink in at all. i mean, the bathroom is right around the corner:
finished. well, just about:

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