Saturday, March 22, 2008

dudley egg dye's suck

so after going to see the easter bunny, spending all day at mom and dad's (with 2 babies that refused to nap there), and then heading to red robin for dinner, it was time to dye our easter eggs.
jessica and justin made it over just in time for the last few eggs and boy were they happy. egg dying is such an exciting event. well, hayden sure loves it.
dudley egg die comes with like 9 different color tablets. 3 of which tell you to only use the warm water and not the water and vinegar. they have 2 packages of the of which holds three tablets. you would guess that they are the 3 colors that need the water only, right? apparently not. we ended up having to throw 2 of the colors away as they just didn't work at all. the other colors really weren't that bright and there were lines on almost all of the eggs. i think i remember this happening before, so maybe now that i'm blog complaining about it, i'll remember for next year and get a different brand. any suggestions?!
anyway. hayden had a great time, and we made sure to keep talan awake long enough for a photo op before throwing him in bed.

watching the water change colors:
his egg...of course he made it red (although it really turned out to be pink):
talan dying his egg:
hayden was not so happy that talan and daddy made the color splash:
mmm, this looks good:
trying to get a shot of both of them. this is what i got:

hayden's "red" egg:
the family:
done at last:


Kelly James said...

When I volunteered at Grady's school the other day, I was in charge of the Dudley egg dye. I did the same thing:( I just assumed that the 3 tablets alone were the water only tablets! At home, I actually studied the tablets before I put them in and I did get it right:)

Anonymous said...

The same thing happened to me! I was and still am ticked. I'm trying to find Dudley online and's ridiculous! If you can separate 3 tablets out into their own bag, why wouldn't they be the 3 oddball tablets you have to do something different with??? It's not like you can really tell what color those things are going to be anyway!