Monday, March 24, 2008

easter 2008

after going to church in the morning we all headed over to mom and dad's to celebrate easter. hayden started things out with an easter egg hunt where he pretty quickly found all 30 eggs. we had a nice dinner where hayden didn't even fight nearly as long as he normally does about eating his ham.
dave then proceeded to go over the personality test results with jessica and justin and we learned what we already knew, that jessica is from "peace" country and lucky justin is from "fun" country.
we ate some dessert and then we left the kids with mom and dad while we all went out for what has turned into an easter tradition....going to see a will ferrell movie. last year i gave birth hours after watching blades of glory. no babies were born after the viewing of semi-pro.
after the movie more dessert was had by some and then we packed up and headed home.
thanks to mom and dad for the place to hang out, a yummy meal and for babysitting!
happy easter to all!

nearly impossible to get any good basket shots with two kids. one of which will only look at a camera for a half a second and the other tried cramming anything he could the second we stepped away from him:

yes, i am aware he needs a haircut. it's happening. soon.:
mmmm, cadbury eggs:
yuck! foil:
he found all 30 eggs in record breaking time (with a little help from us, of course. he's really not that great of a looker):
opening of the eggs:

rainah and her basket:
all day long. can i have just one piece of candy?:
it's blury, but oh so funny:
dave explaining the personality test results:

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