Monday, April 14, 2008

the shrine circus was HEEERRRRE

our good friend tina was able to get us tickets to the shrine circus yesterday. we almost weren't able to go as hayden came down with 104 fever on friday, but he was doing much better by sunday.
tina, jessica (who was afraid to go), dave, myself and the boys headed to the state fair grounds for an afternoon of cotton candy and clowns.
hayden, taking after his mom and aunt, wanted nothing to do with getting his picture taken with one of the clowns. he happily accepted a balloon that they threw to him, but that was about all he wanted to do with them. and i don't blame him. clowns are serial killers, ya know?!
we tried getting hayden to let us put him up on the rail so we could take his picture with the elephant behind him, but he wouldn't have any of that either. i guess he's see one too many videos of elephants going crazy in the circus and killing people.
all in all, the circus was horrible. hayden loved it though. and talan seemed to enjoy it as well. i, on the other hand, felt as if i was at some cheaply done high school production. there were no lions or tigers or bears or trapeze artists. they had some singers come out singing a tina turner song. and it was horrible. when the song was over, did they leave the ring? oh no, they got to sing another song.
apparently kwame decided to give the shiners the building to use and they don't need to pay for it until they see how much they made off of it. well, i think kwame must have said...i'll give you the building but i'm not heating it...because it was FREEZING in there. hours later, jessica's feet were still numb.
everything was "breathe taking" and "spine tingling" but my breathe wasn't taken and my spine didn't tingle even once. but again, the boys enjoyed it. and i got to eat cotton candy, so in was a great afternoon.
in case you haven't heard me complain about it before, my less then 2 year old camera died on talan's first birthday. so i had my mom's camera with me to capture our afternoon. due to the lighting, a lot of the pictures didn't turn out so great. but here are a few.
i did order my new camera today so i'll hopefully be taking pictures with it by next week.
thanks again for the tickets, tina! no offense to tony or the rest of the shriners, i complained this much after seeing thomas live on stage too.

as close as he would get:
he loves cotton candy:
dave texting everyone to let them know what was happening at the circus:
my things:

bag pipers:
these dogs were pulling people around. it was funny:
tell me this clown isn't scary:

a unicorn!:
motorcycles jumping through fire:
2 motorcycles in the "big metal ball" i think they called it:
the end is finally here:

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