Tuesday, August 26, 2008

the x rated shower

on saturday evening, just one week before the wedding, jessica's friend shelly threw her a personal shower. about 19 girls showed up to shelly's home for appetizers and a lasagna dinner followed by lots of nervous laughter coming from jessica as she opened her gifts. it was kept pretty clean and she probably only turned 1 shade of red.
jessica's friend/roommate from haiti/fellow bridesmaid, teresa, flew in from haiti that day and was able to attend the shower as well. teresa actually gets the prize for the best gift. she knitted jessica a bra and thong set which was the only thing jessica tried on for everyone. it was truly the talk of the party.
the second runner up would probably be the underwear with a pocket for an mp3 player in it that jessica's friend jamie gave to her. because who hasn't ever needed one of those?!
everyone had a great time spending the evening with jessica and celebrating her knowing that the wedding is quickly approaching.

the party was just getting started:

dinner time:

reading a homemade mad lib made out of jessica and justin's story. they were pretty funny:
present time started out with a bang:
nothing wrong with this gift, it was only a bag of candy:
a gift from mom that took us A LONG time to figure out what it was (i believe we eventually figured out it was soap):
we made mom stay at home to watch the kids, but i got a picture of jessica and her gift:
the best gift of the evening from teresa. i swear she is the next ashley paige:

her friend mel made her this great gift box filled with what i swear must have been at least 30 pairs of underwear. all individually wrapped with a little note on each one:
hanging out after the gifts:

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