Tuesday, October 21, 2008

ghost train

on saturday, october 18th, we headed to fenton to have dinner with melanie, chadd, ashton and lorelei howard and then we all drove to crossroads village in flint for some early trick-or-treating and a ride on the ghost train.
we were hoping to make the 6:40pm train but things went so slowly at the restaurant that we showed up right when the train was pulling out. it turns out we wouldn't have been able to get on it anyway. apparently the trains sell out rather quickly and when we showed up the only train ride left was the 10pm train. the howard's didn't think their kids would be able to stay up that late and went back and forth on what to do. we decided we were going to go for it because we knew our kids would stay up and we would have a riot on our hands if we left without the train ride.
because there was only a $3 price difference between entry to the park and a train ride the howards bought their train tickets and figured they would see what would happen.
we got the kids changed into their costumes in the car and talan was SO excited to have his shark costume on. the only time he was upset was when we made him sit in the stroller since he'd just keep running away from us. good news for halloween nite. i believe talan's costume received the most compliments out of anyone in the whole park. even kids were coming up saying how cute his costume was. talan, of course, realized this and played it up. although, there were times that he looked like he was dressed up as a hardboiled egg.
we were only able to call hayden "spiderman" and ashton "dragon." and hayden had a GREAT time posing for pictures in which he would put on his serious face and show his muscles. when i'd ask if he would simply just smile he would tell me "i can't, i'm spiderman." i don't know much about spiderman, but i certainly didn't realize spiderman can't smile.
the trick-or-treating was great. they had 20 areas with flashing pumpkins where you would stop for the candy. and everyone in the group was able to get it...not just the kids. i guess it was so the parents didn't steal all of the kids candy. which i think dave will be doing anyway with a few of the candy bars.
the stops were all decorated and had certain themes that were pretty cute. the only one that made no sense was the area that was decorated as willy wonka's chocolate factory yet they were handing out apples. APPLES?! at willy wonka's chocolate factory?! come on.
the kids also had a blast running around the hay maze for awhile. talan was especially happy to be able to be let free for a bit. dave let him run around a little bit after that where he fell into a big pile of dirt leaves and had dirt covering his face and costume.
the last stop was the cafeteria where they gave everyone cider and donuts and we were able to sit and wait awhile longer to board our train. all of the kids did great and were able to make it on to the train.
the train was quite the relaxing ride and lorelei was the first to fall asleep. i believe talan followed shortly after and then ashton. at the very end of the ride hayden's eyes would become very heavy but as soon as they would close he would quickly open them up again.
everybody had a great time and we were so glad to be able to make the trip with the howard's.

sharks are fast, ya know:

much happier than the first time he had to wear this thing:
zeroing in on his prey:
which apparently was flowers:
spidey under his web:
practicing for the 31st:
lorelei giraffe, spiderman hayden and ashton dragon:
the whole gang but things started falling apart:
chadd and lorelei. and the evening just started:

ashton (who was breathing fire), hayden and lorelei:

trying to stop the paparazzi:

this shark has milk dripping from his mouth rather than blood:

still with the muscle thing:
talan just wanted OUT:
bear vs. shark...who will win?!:
in the hay maze and up to no good:
cider and donut time:
the donut is kind of covering it, but this was a priceless smile:

little red caboose:
the skiver/howard clan ready for a spooky train ride:

lorelei. the first one out:
2 down:
3 down:
the last one to fall asleep...although he really didn't allow himself to have his eyes closed more than 3 seconds:

dave caught a shark:

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