Tuesday, October 14, 2008

please keep your hands inside the car at all times

so after a very busy and late saturday, we had to wake up nice and early on sunday morning to get the boys to mom and dad's house before 7am. once we dropped them off we then headed over to bobby and mallory's house so we could head off to cedar point.
unfortunately this year, jessica and justin couldn't make it since they are on tour. bobby was so bummed because justin was his screaming partner. so this year the group that headed out to sandusky ohio was dave, myself, tina, bobby and brianna flowers, mallory artman, katrina (bri's friend), mike gregg, jason and sonya artman.
we were supposed to be taking an excursion limo but i guess at the last minute we weren't able to get it. so we ended up taking our mini van and bobby's mustang. we were quite a pair.
after a quick trip to tim horton's we headed out a little later than planned but we still made great time. it's possible we just lost track of time since we were playing "name that monster ballad."
we got to cedar point just after 10am and hit up the rapture first. right after that, dave walked us to the blue streak thinking we were going somewhere else. so since we were there, we hoped on. it was on this, the second roller coaster of the day that i almost got kicked out of the park. right before we took off i took a picture of dave and mike sitting behind us. then on our way up the hill i took another picture, figuring i'd post this blog with all of the roller coasters to make jess and justin jealous. i also took a picture of me and teens. suddenly the car stopped as we were going up the hill. a few minutes later a dedicated employee came walking up and asked "did one of you have a camera out?" i fessed up (although i thought about blaming tina) and he told me to put it away. sorry for the delay, rest of the car!
we had a beautiful day as it was 80 degrees and sunny. it was actually a little too warm since we had to dress knowing the evening would be cool. but i'm not going to complain...it wasn't freezing or raining.
most of us ended up going on every roller coaster, just like last year. this year they were open until 10pm instead of 8pm so we were able to ride a couple of other rides in the dark which is always a fun experience. we saved pretty much all of the big ones for last. the longest we waited was about 2 hours for the maverick which is well worth the wait as that ride is amazing. we didn't ride it in the pitch dark, but it was dusk which was pretty cool. we did wait quite a bit for bobby, brianna and katrina to ride the skyhawk simply because someone puked on the turn before them so when it stopped they had to spend about 1/2 hour cleaning up that mess before letting them ride.
we even walked through a part of their haunted forest trying to get to a ride and it was pretty good. most of the time you couldn't even see the people before they jumped out at you. at one point i was walking arm in arm with tina and i told her and mike "i'm really not much of a haunted house person" and as soon as i finished that sentence some dude snorted in my ear. freaked me right out. later, after we were out of the haunted area, i tried the snorting thing on mallory and it worked just as good....if not better.
i have to say i was quite impressed with brianna and her friend as they went on EVERY single ride. katrina had never even been to cedar point and she was right there on the millennium force and dragster with us. next year i expect to see mallory and jessica on them as well!
after our dragster ride we had about 15 minutes before the park closed. bobby and brianna were still waiting in line for the first car on the dragster so dave, mike, mallory, katrina and i all made the hike over to the rapture so we could ride that one in the dark. it was well worth the shin splints.
we once again all had a blast and can't wait for next year when hopefully jessica and justin will be able to join us again.
until next year, poochigan!

bobby, jason, sonya, brianna, tina, katrina and mallory waiting for the rapture:
dave and mike, super excited for the blue streak:
the monster blue streak hill that apparently has top secret info on it so no cameras are allowed. i might be banned from cedar point just for posting this:
the last picture i took seconds before the ride stopped and we almost got kicked out:
as we were walking past the bumper cars we said "why didn't we do bumper cars last year? let's do this! they sucked. seriously. so lame:
mike, tina, sonya, jason, bobby, mallory, katrina, brianna and dave waiting for....MINE RIDE!!!!!!:
dave and i on the mouse trap or whatever that ride is called:
the ride that bobby, brianna and katrina waited a really long time for:

this picture was not being taken of bobby or mallory. it was taken of the guy in the red shirt with the glasses, super bad blonde mustache and, oh yeah, THAT HAIR:
more pictures of his hair because it was just that good:

dave's big plan was to get an ice cream treat and go ride around on the train for a bit. brianna was the only smart one in the bunch that asked "will they let us bring food on the train?" they didn't but by the time we got to the train we were done eating anyway. we road around the park two times checking out "boneville" it was scary.:
dave, bobby and mallory taking our leisurely train ride with the mantis behind them:
mallory and i thought bobby looked like a little kid:
the super cool trees while waiting in line for the maverick....NOT john mccain or sarah palin:

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