Tuesday, January 13, 2009

christmas festivities

so after putting my blogging off for weeks and weeks i figured it was about time to try to get caught up before i have even more to post.
as we do every year, we spent christmas eve over at mom and dad's house with them as well as jessica and justin. jenn, don and rainah were celebrating christmas with don's family this year so they weren't able to make it.
we then woke up bright and early on christmas morning and got ready to head back over to mom and dad's where santa had dropped off all of our gifts. the boys opened their stockings here at the house, got dressed and loaded into the car.
mom had a delicious breakfast of all of her homemade breads, carmel rolls and baked french toast waiting for us. we all fixed a plate and took our places to open gifts.
talan really didn't care too much about opening the presents. one of the first gifts he opened was his yo gabba gabba guitar that hayden got for him and he spent the next 1/2 hour rocking out in the middle of the living room. eventually we had hayden open a bunch of talan's gifts to help him out. after all of the presents were opened, hayden went into the other room to play some of his new video games which dave and justin brought in one last gift for the boys from the garage. dave had decided he wanted to wrap it so a bunch of bubble wrap from work and one roll of wrapping paper later it was ready to be ripped into.
we called hayden in and he just said "what is this?!" he started to open it but refused to put his video game down. eventually they were able to unwrap it and saw that they got a brand new car. they both immediately jumped in, although talan seemed to enjoy it even more than hayden did.
naps were taken, toys were played with dinner was prepared and eaten. there was a viewing of wall-e, tina joined us, catan was played and more delicious food was consumed.
and all of this was happening while our good friends, scott and susie loudon, were giving birth to their third child, joseph scott. congratulations, guys!!! what a wonderful christmas present! we can't wait to meet him!
we had a great christmas and were excited to have christmas number 2 the next day with jenn, don and rainah.
thanks for allowing the chaos to happen once again at your place, mom and dad!
merry christmas, everyone!

the stockings were hung in the hallway with care:
we had to wake talan up, and he does NOT like to be woken up:
he got over his grumpiness pretty quickly on this morning though:

ahhh, christmas morning:
santa leaves the boys a stocking at our house AND grandma and granpa's house!:

sitting on a present waiting to get things rolling:
talan's muno guitar from hayden. he actually found this hidden under my bed and then would try to crawl under and find it every day after that:

he's a rock star:
transform and go rocket:
talan's gift to hayden, hyper dash....the PERFECT game for hayden:
talan's rocket chair:
doing work on his new laptop:
thanks for wall-e, robin, sara and josh! the whole family enjoyed it on christmas evening:

these guys:
talan's gift from robin, sara and josh. a new truck:
he couldn't wait to hop on!:
i tried to leave this present wrapped up as long as possible:

dad opening his "no crazy graphics" hoodie:

one more present:

i would have preferred black, but hey, it's still a hummer:
talan enoyed sitting on the floor rather than the seat:

hayden liked it but wanted to get back to playing his new video game:
now if only the snow would melt so they could drive it!:

mmmm, ham:
jessica in the kitchen:
dave loves to play tetris on the ipod:
talan playing with his yo gabba gabba gang:
hayden has always loved to lay down right next to a toy with cars or trains whizzing by his face:
talan's drums for the tub. he needs a set of drums in every room:
justin, talan and jessica:
watching wall-e:

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