Tuesday, January 13, 2009

an evening with some long lost friends

trey and jen many put together a little gathering in ypsi on december 28th. dave and i were unable to attend last year but we were able to sneak out for a bit this year to meet up with everyone.
unfortunately i didn't take very many pictures and we really didn't get to even stay too long as both dave and kevin brace had to go to work the next morning, but we did have a great time and it was wonderful seeing some faces that we haven't seen in YEARS.
we'll try to stay a little longer next year! thanks, trey and jen, for organizing the shin-dig!

mark patterson and kevin brace:
mike g. i used to run into him at shows and we recognized each other simply from pictures on myspace. we haven't seen each other in quite awhile so it was great to see him here for a bit!:
sam and heather:

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