Monday, February 16, 2009

it's been awhile

we haven't been bowling in quite some time and hayden has really been wanting to go. so we decided to hang out with jessica, justin, bobby, mallory and bella and do just that.
even talan was able to get in on some of the fun.
at the end of the evening, hayden had bowled a 60 (the screen showed 54 because they screwed the score up) and hayden kept saying "i'm a loser!" when we'd tell him he wasn't a loser he'd say "yes i am! because i have the shortest score. so i'm a loser!" this went on the entire drive home until we finally explained to him that he would most likely beat every kindergartner in his school if they were all bowling without bumpers.
despite being a "loser" he had a fun time, and so did we!

hayden was so excited to be bowling again!:

something very interesting must have been happening:
bobby and bella:

bella's first time bowling:
talan's first time bowling:
it went directly into the gutter and only rolled just out of reach:
this try was much better:
and talan loved it:

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