Monday, February 16, 2009

a nice day for a drive

the other sunday we took headed over to dave's shop after church to allow the boys to finally take a drive in their hummer and to let hayden ride his bike around.
they both hopped right in the hummer....after a little screaming on talan's part since HE wanted to be the driver...and took off.
they rode around for a bit before hayden decided to ride his bike and then talan tried driving. he did fairly well considering he didn't understand he had to hold the pedal down to make it continue going and the fact that he can't really steer.
he had a good time until he realized what he really wanted was to ride hayden's bike. and the screaming began again. it quickly stopped once he found the half police car though. and then it started from hayden because he wanted a turn.
spring can't some soon enough!

finally they get to play with their christmas gift:

talan happy to be in the driver's seat:

dave thought tapping a role of painters tape to his foot would help him keep his foot on the pedal. for the record, i knew it was a bad idea:
this lasted long enough for me to take the picture and no longer:
hayden hunting talan down:
talan's turn:
talan found the half police car and was in heaven:

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