phee and ken stayed the nite here and the next afternoon the family plus dawn came over to help celebrate justin's birthday which was on april 10th. i know justin appreciated heroes season 2 that we got him, but it surely it was NOTHING compared to the ipod touch that he got from jessica, mom and dad. i'm actually not sure how the dragged him away from it long enough to play the show that nite.
after we celebrated, everybody headed off to get ready to go to the venue.
tina came over and gave talan a quick hair cut before dave got home and then we all headed out to fuddruckers for dinner and then went to the show.
the show didn't even start until 8pm and fireflight wasn't set to go on until about 9:40. so it was a long, late nite for the boys.
hayden and dave played some pool in another room while talan walked around and mingled with the other bands that gave him drum sticks. hayden kept asking "when is fireflight going on?!" as he was over the other bands that were playing.
the flowers family, scott and susie loudon, the pittman family, todd and bev, ang, and of course i would NEVER forget to mention...KRISTI KURTZ!!! all came out to see fireflight as well.
when fireflight came on, we were able to sit at the sit of the stage (with talan sitting ON the side of the stage) which isn't the best place to be in terms of hearing the music, but it is a great place for taking artsy cute pictures of the band and talan. at one point i looked over at hayden who was sitting on a step and was fighting to keep his eyes open. talan, on the other hand, was just taking in EVERYTHING that he possibly could. he couldn't keep his eyes off of the stage. a few songs in, hayden looked at me and said "i'm bored!" so he headed to the back to sit next to dave and dad.
when fireflight was done, we hung out awhile longer and hayden eventually just sat and played his video game. at around 11:15 or so he came over to me crying about not getting to eat his cookie yet. at that point i knew he was DONE.
tina had to trim justin's hair a bit so he looks his best at the dove awards which is happening on thursday, so we were there for a little while longer. talan was perfectly happy to continue running around while hayden broke down crying and we couldn't get him to stop. he eventually did and finally just went and sat in the car and played his video game.
we said our goodbyes to everyone and finally headed home a little after midnite. talan fell asleep before we even made it on to the expressway while hayden waited a little longer but was eventually out as well.
this experience taught us that we would probably be able to bring talan to lollapalooza and he'd dig it for quite awhile, while hayden probably wouldn't want to much to do with it for more then about an hour.
thanks for having us again, fireflight. and good luck at the dove awards!!!!
this is the combination that made my water break when i was in labor with talan: