Monday, April 13, 2009

an eventful easter day

easter turned out to be quite the eventful day. the boys first woke up and looked for their easter baskets. hayden found his really quickly again this year. then he helped talan out a bit.
we all got dressed and then took pictures with their easter baskets before we headed off to church. for whatever reason i decided to bring my small camera with me and was happy that i did. when we got to church, we found out that they had a little petting farm back in the nursery area. we were able to go see the animals before and then after service.
service was great, and from what i gather, the kids had a fine time as usual. we are so much happier with church since we have been going to northridge!
after church we headed over to mom and dad's where we took some group pictures of the kids before we let them down to hunt for their easter eggs. they all did a really good job and i think we even found them all this year! and in record breaking time!
we had lunch, dessert and watched the kids play before we headed home around 4:30 or so. i sat talan down at the table to eat some dinner and ran downstairs to take care of some things. i kept thinking "my it's quiet up there" and figured that could only mean bad things. i don't know why i didn't take my camera up with my the first time because i certainly thought about it. i figured talan had either fallen asleep in his food or he had somehow reached our easter basket that was sitting in the center of the table. to find out what it was you'll have to check out talan's page. there were just already far too many pictures on this blog!

easter basket fun:

the dudes before church:
this is our church. where they have a petting farm and they play sigur ros during service:

hayden loved these chicks:

hayden wasn't so sure of the chickens because they kept trying to eat his buttons:

group picture time:

the babies started trying to get away so hayden threw his leg over rainah and put a death grip on talan. it worked:
egg hunting time:

hayden helping rainah find more eggs:
a couple of things the bunny couldn't fit into the eggs:

waiting to eat:

i do believe this is illegal in michigan:
dinner time...well, lunch actually:

talan loved sitting with jenn:

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