Saturday, April 11, 2009

dunkin', splashin' and crackin'

on friday morning, the boys and i dyed our easter eggs. hayden had a great time and pretty much did it all by himself. he did crack a few while taking them out of the cups but eventually just used his fingers when they were out of the dye to safely maneuver them to the paper towel.
talan kept saying "egg" over and over again but wasn't really happy with what we were doing with the eggs. he did throw an egg into a cup of color once, maybe twice, but he really just wanted to hold the eggs. at one point we gave him some stickers and hayden helped him put them on his egg. he chose all of the football, soccer ball and basketball stickers. then he slammed the egg on the table and cracked it.
dave was at work and said he was more then happy to skip this event.
all in all, it went well and pretty quick. and we even have a couple of eggs that aren't cracked!

right after talan threw an egg into the cup:

talan picked out all of the football stickers first:

uh oh:

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