Friday, June 26, 2009

a week at grandma and papa's

this week hayden went to ward for vbs (pictures to be posted on his blog soon). jenn and rainah were still staying at mom and dad's as they were waiting to get a new car from the area. since they were here and mom and dad's house is closer to ward then ours, talan and i went over every day but today to hang out.
on tuesday it was so warm out that mom set the pool back up. talan and rainah played in it all morning and then after vbs i brought hayden over to play in it for awhile too. the end of the afternoon turned into a water squirting fight and then quickly turned into mom and hayden pouring buckets of water on each other. while the kids were playing, i was able to get a start on my tan...with dad yelling at me the whole time that i was red. it has turned mostly to brown now and means for the rest of the summer i will only get darker. spf is for weenies.
every single day that i dropped hayden off at ward, talan would run through the halls saying "gama, papa, jenn, rainah" over and over. he had a great time going over there every day and playing with rainah. i don't think he's going to know what to do with himself next week!

day 1. rainah and talan would ride the goose and then talan would make them fall off:

day 2. popsicle time!:

the kids loved the goggles. at least for a little bit:
make sure to click on this one to blow it up. hayden's eyes are crossed. i'm so proud:

the water fight begins:

i LOVE this one:

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