Friday, June 18, 2010

isaac's birthday party

our good friend isaac gregg is turning 3 and nancy planned a little birthday party with all of his friends and their mom's at the sprinkler park.
it was a really warm and humid day so we decided to drop london off with grandma and grandpa so she could just hang out with them for the day. once she was in their air conditioned house, the boys and i took off with our lunches ready to party.
as soon as isaac got there, he couldn't wait to eat lunch! probably so he could eat one of the yummy cupcakes nancy had brought for everyone! and soon after, he opened up all of his presents.
the kids had a great time running down the big hill and running through all of the sprinklers, as usual.
so far, it's a great start to summer vacation!
thanks for inviting us to your birthday party, isaac! happy 3rd birthday!!! talan is so happy you'll be back in his class at church again!

taking a break for some lunch:
isaac had been waiting all morning for one of these cupcakes:

isaac and what was left of his cupcake:
we ran into our very pregnant friend corrie and her 3 kids while we were there:
stacy, nancy and carrie supervising:

talan mostly played in the big hill all day:

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