Saturday, June 19, 2010

marching for mops

today our family had a couple of firsts. we all dressed up in red, white and blue, we decorated the heck out of our stroller in red, white and blue and we marched in and watched a parade.
i honestly don't believe that we have ever taken even hayden (who has been alive for 7 years) to a parade.
our whole family marched in the parade in canton to help represent our northridge mops group along with the gregg and bettinger families.
the kids helped us throw candy to the kids in the crowd and also passed out fruit snacks with our mops card attached to it to all of the moms in the crowd. we're hoping to spread the word to any mother's of preschoolers in the area in hopes that they'll come join us in the fall.
i had explained to the boys what we would be doing and hayden kept saying "awww, i wish we could WATCH the parade." i told him that BEING in a parade is way cooler, as not everyone has that chance. he was fine with it but insisted that he wished "we could be in it AND watch it."
well, his dream came true. we were at the very front of the parade so when we got to the end, we were able to sit down and watch the whole rest of the parade and collect all of the candy that we could.
once the parade was over, we headed out for some mother's pizza with the gregg's and then headed home.
it was a busy and fun day but now i can't wait to get out of all of this red, white and blue!

hayden and london all dressed and waiting to head out to the parade:
waiting for the parade to begin:

talan, nancy, scott, hayden, dave, mike, cameron, carrie and caleigh:
the gregg family:

nancy, carrie, hayden and caleigh ready to get started:
talan ran, danced and waved almost the entire time. he was a great asset to our team:
isaac and talan:

once the marching was done, the watching commenced:

grabbing candy:
the bettinger family:

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