Tuesday, April 3, 2007

39 weeks and 3 days.....but who's counting?!

i'm beginning to think my early delivery is not going to happen at this point. only 5 more days until my due date. and here's the thing. we have plans to go see blades of glory on easter nite. so that means, i need to go into labor in the next couple of days so i'm out in time for showtime. either that, or it has to wait until after the movie. and if it decides to come DURING the movie?! well that's just cause for switching kids in the hospital.
last friday i was in for another non-stress test. the baby was moving around like crazy. each time i go in they find the heartbeat on the opposite side. it's just constantly doing somersaults, i guess. so the whole time on the machine last week the baby was moving. i had to move the heart monitor 3 times because it kept moving off of it and it wasn't registering. i was in the office for about 2 hours because it just wasn't cooperating.
today was yet another non-stress test. but i was in and out very quickly. my dr. said that my baby has always looked "beautiful" on the machine. so it's doing well. just doesn't want to come out just yet. no real contractions while i was on the machine today. i have yet another ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow at 1pm for a fluid check. they just want to see if my fluid level is still high or if maybe it has gone down some. if it has gone down, they don't have to watch me as closely. but like he said, the ultrasound and results really won't hurt or help that much. i'll go in for another nst on friday and then another with my regular dr. next tuesday. on tuesday, if i make it, he'll check me to see how far i'm dilated. at that point he will talk to me about induction. he doesn't want to, and neither do i, but he said he doesn't want me to go much past 41 weeks even without the extra fluid. he said that induction with extra fluid is sometimes a really good thing because they can break the water in a controlled environment. but he does want to give my body as much of a chance as we can to do it on it's own. so if i do make it until tuesday, chances are, we'll have the baby a couple of days after that by induction. the nurse said that i looked like i dropped, so that's a good sign. and i keep remembering that with hayden, i really had no symptoms and then suddenly he was here. so i know that it could happen at anytime.
so that's the scoop. nothing really new. maybe we'll have a couple more pictures from the ultrasound tomorrow. i'm sure they won't look too different from the last ones. but i'll still post them.
until then....i'll be walking the streets of redford.

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