Saturday, April 7, 2007

my bags are packed

last nite i decided to clean the house and try to get things moving with this baby. i vacuumed and mopped and was even on the floor washing the baseboards. probably a little before 9pm i started having some contractions. but contractions that actually packed a little punch with them. not just the standard stomach tightening contractions. after awhile i decided to start timing them as they had been fairly consistent. they were about 8 minutes apart. at about 12:30 i decided to go to bed. maybe i shouldn't have, cuz i really didn't have many more after about 1am. i woke up this morning and after getting out of the shower i started feeling them again. i'm not sure that they are as consistent right now as they were last nite, but i have been having quite a few and they aren't the nicest feeling things in the world.
it's just such a difference between this and hayden. with hayden, i didn't feel contractions like these until about an hour before he was born and close to the time i started feeling like i wanted to push. so now i'm sitting here wondering....when in the world might this actually happen?! i don't like hospitals so i certainly don't want to get there any earlier than i have to.
many of you will be happy to know that last nite i partially packed a bag. i got all of hayden's easter stuff together so that if i end up in the hospital the family can know right where it all is and he can still have a somewhat normal easter. we even dyed our easter eggs this morning.
so at this point, i'm waiting for dave to take a shower and then we might go walk the mall (livonia mall, so if my water breaks nobody will be around). while we're walking most likely a big topic we will be discussing are names. we're doing better than we were at least. i think we're set on a boys name and we have 3 candidates that we can't decide on for a girl. maybe while walking the mall we'll just start yelling out the names and see what works best.

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