Thursday, December 27, 2007

christmas 2007

christmas morning started with us getting out of bed around 6:45am (well, not dave of course). as i was starting to get ready, hayden's door opened and he came out to open his stocking. santa left him a new thomas train (mighty mac), 3 new "little miss/mr." books, a new cd, a thomas and percy ornament for the tree and some candy. of course he was most excited about the new train, as if he doesn't have enough.
when he finished opening the gifts in his stocking he started running to the living room saying "and now the presents under the tree!!!" even though i'd been explaining to him that santa would leave him presents in his stocking at his house and then would go to put the presents under the tree at grandma's house. he wasn't too worried about it. he got himself dressed and then headed downstairs with mighty mac. as i was getting ready i heard him introducing all of his other trains to mighty mac.
dave finally got himself out of bed and i headed in to wake up talan and get him ready. once i had him dressed hayden opened his stocking for him. talan got an apple chime teething toy, some other little teething toy, a mini elmo see and say toy and the night before christmas book.
with everyone dressed and ready to go, we headed over to mom and dad's house at about 7:20am. on the way there hayden yelled from the back "oh my gosh! i forgot something! i forgot mighty mac!" that's ok hayden. "no. it's not ok." but after explaining that he'd be getting lots of other toys he dropped it.
everyone (mom, dad, jenn, don, rainah, jessica and justin) were all up and dressed by the time we got there. everyone was waiting for some delicious christmas breakfast. unfortunately, the carmel rolls mom makes every year were quite a bit different than usual. it seems that the makers of jello mismarked the box and lemon jello was put in a box that stated "butterscotch jello." this was a huge disappointment for all of us, but there was plenty of other food to get us through. plus....all of those presents just waiting to be opened!
it took as several hours to get through them all. talan had to head upstairs for a nap in the middle of all the action so we held some of his presents so he could watch them be opened a little later.
hayden would open a present, ask papa to use his scissors to open the package and then run to play with it until we summoned him to open another gift.
he got several new trains, a little einsteins "pat pat rocket" toy which took me MONTHS to finally get my hands on, books, new video games, cd's, a thomas train race track....the list goes on. santa left him the aqua dots that he wanted so badly, minus the beads that makes the aqua dots toy fun. there was a recall due to the beads having the date rape drug in them. several children went into a comatose state after ingesting them. i let santa know that i had no problem with that side affect. but he decided to take the beads out anyway and left him a note that he would mail them to him once the elves made new ones. hayden seemed ok with that which was a major relief.
once all of the presents were opened, hayden played with his pat pat rocket and the thomas train race track basically the entire day. it wasn't until later in the evening that he finally put them down to play with some of his new video games.
dinner was delicious, but was just another meal where hayden refused to eat. even after not being able to eat cookies on christmas eve. all he needed to do was eat 2 pieces of ham and he'd have unlimited access to the chocolate fountain later. he chose not to eat it until the chocolate fountain was being set up. but, he ate it.
dave set up our obsession "settlers of catan" and dave, myself, justin and jessica all played that while eating from the huge spread of cookies, appetizers, and chocolate fountain buffets....something i didn't get pictures of...i know, what was i thinking?! talan was put upstairs to sleep and hayden continued to play video games and board games until we left at around 10:30.
we loaded up the car and headed home knowing we also now needed to UNLOAD the car. it's quite an overwhelming thing. especially knowing that it all must be put away with the next day or 2 since we will be having people over for a birthday party just 5 days after christmas.
so at this point, the toys have been more or less put away and we are now preparing for a 5th birthday party. tomorrow i'll take hayden to have his 5 years pictures taken and try to get a few groceries and a few other things in need for the party. i'll have to bake the cakes that evening since we will then be headed to grand rapids for rainah's first birthday on saturday. we'll head home saturday evening and start to prepare for hayden's birthday on sunday.
new years eve?! yeah, we'll be sleeping.
hope you all had a wonderful christmas. i know we all did.

the stockings were hung by the hallway door with care. i tried to have talan's name put on his but marshall fields is gone now. know anybody that embroiders?!:
whatever could it be?!:
a trains! i don't have one of these!:
what else did santa leave me?:
seriously, guys. you just woke me up:
hmmm, what's in there?:
waking up a bit:
i like all the presents, but i'd really rather just have this cat leg:
the stash:

talan with the present hayden picked out for him all by himself. he loved it:
dave, talan and jessica:
rainah thinks everything is a phone. even a sock monkey slipper:
talan's last present before naptime:
ANOTHER train?!:
what do you mean i can't play with it?:
pat pat rocket. if he only knew how long it took me to get this thing. lucky for me it was one of his favorites:
mom finally getting a new printer:
they are making the same face but for different reasons. talan is so happy to have ahold of jessica's hair. jessica is not so happy about it:
that's better:
what hayden did all day:
justica. what wimps:
oh, this is a chocolate fountain?! ok, i guess i'll eat my ham now:
i hope justin didn't stick that finger in the chocolate fountain:

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