Sunday, December 9, 2007

we headed toward the lights

considering this is the holiday season, we had quite the boring weekend. next weekend we are completely booked, so don't expect us to show up at your house (unless you're melanie, of course). but this weekend, we didn't have a single thing planned.
hayden loves christmas lights. so i started thinking maybe we should surprise him and go drive through hinse park for the annual lightfest. so we loaded in the car and headed off to whatever city it starts in and drove through whatever cities it goes through. hayden wanted to close his eyes to keep the surprise alive until we told him we had awhile to drive before getting there. we sat in line on a main road for a really long time.
as we got closer, hayden closed his eyes (kind of) until the first lights appeared. but even then, we had a lot more waiting to do until we finally saw the main event. he seemed to have a great time. talan was hungry so he made a little more noise than usual until i stuck a bottle in his mouth.
none of us have ever been and we all agreed it was a pretty cool thing.
here's a few pictures that don't really do it justice, but they are cool enough:

cannon over the bridge. the timing was off on it, but it was still pretty cool:

tunnel of butterflies and flowers on our way out. this one was way cool:
hayden gave the evening's festivities 2 thumbs up even though he only used one:

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