Sunday, December 16, 2007

it's a ledco christmas

friday nite was the ledco company christmas party. we went to fox hills golf and country club in plymouth for dinner and dancing. when the party was over most people weren't quite ready to go home so we all headed over to bobby flowers house for a little after party of pool, ping pong and guitar hero. yes, i played guitar hero for the first time and am already addicted. does anyone want to get me an xbox 360 and then the guitar hero game and controller?!
here are some photo's from that evening.

the winners circle:
mike, mary anne, beth and daniel
winners circle #2. mike, usha, dave and daniel
winners circle #3. mike, brett and daniel:
beth. most deserving person of an award ever. seriously:
the frosty competition where mike and daniel were supposed to be made to look like a snowman. i think they looked more like mummy's with props:

sally and mallory. oh, and raul:
boys at the bar:
nic, bobby and dave:
robert. i love this picture:
dave and juan dancing the nite away:
jay. should have won the best dancer award:
scratch that. junior should have won that award:
dave and juan calling more out to the dance floor:
we don't do the hustle, but apparently others do:
trying to play pool at bobby's house:
my new addiction. guitar hero. i'll be over tomorrow, mallory:
bushra, jaime and allina:
nic and diesel:
shutting the party down. juan, nic and jim:

i was just told that i need to put ledco in all caps or else nic will have a fit. well guess who's blog this is?! and guess who never uses caps in her blogs?! not nic.

ledco ledco ledco ledco ledco ledco ledco ledco ledco ledco ledco ledco ledco ledco ledco ledco

was that enough for a heart attack?! oh, and by the way, you totally didn't take even close to 300 pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think the "snowmen" look like the christmas kkk.