Sunday, April 27, 2008


our friend andrew erickson is a busy guy living out in the la area. we haven't seen him in years but on friday evening a group of us were able to meet up with him for dinner (unfortunately his wife, mary, couldn't make time!) at what used to be dave's least favorite restaurant simply because of all of the "stuff" on the walls.
the food was great and the company even better. it was great seeing you, andrew, and we can't wait until you're back in town again!

hayden, talan (reaching for the glass of water which seconds later spilled all over him), jessica, jenne and joe villanueva, andrew and heather wood, andrew erickson, dave:
what happened after the camera snapped the picture:
jenne and joe:
heather and andrew:
i gave hayden a new video game right before we left the house. it worked like a charm as we didn't hear a single thing from him the whole evening:

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