Friday, May 23, 2008

the first of many

dave left early from work last nite so that he could make it to hayden's bowling party. after the party we decided since he had already eaten at the party and it was still early enough we would take a trip to the park.
hayden, as always, loved the slides and quickly met a friend named donald. they chased each other until it was time to leave and hayden was bright red and soaked with sweat, even without all of his hair.
talan would put up with being put on different things, and actually enjoy it for a few short minutes. then he would want "up" which really meant "down" so that he could be on his way. he was leaving little trails all through the wood chips where he would crawl.
it was a fun evening and i think it will be just the first of MANY trips to the park this summer...only 4 more days of school left and i'll have to figure out what in the world to do everyday with 2 of them home all day, everyday!

slides are fun:

hanging out on the jumping bridge:

he liked this jumpy dinosaur thing but only for a bit. then he just wanted to crawl and make us chase him again:

talan loves holding dave's football. this makes dave very happy:
he's always loved the slides:

he's not allowed to go head first at school, so this is heaven for him:
talan was thinking- i wish i could be down there eating wood chips:
swinging with daddy. i almost forgot that putting him in his swing was the only way to get him to fall asleep for naps when he was a baby:

i remember him having trouble with these last year. this year he just flew across them:

where he started wondering where his swing went and why it never went this high:

i asked hayden to try the climbing wall and after some resistance, he climbed it on his first try! my little spider monkey:

it looks like talan wanted to try it out, but really he was just pushing his way through past hayden:

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