Wednesday, May 7, 2008

a visit from aunt ruth

on sunday, aunt ruth came from florida to visit. it was the first time she had met talan and rainah and we haven't seen her since jenn's baby shower.
hayden remembered her from our visit to florida and asked if we could go back again so he could swim in their pool.
we had a delicious bbq for lunch and then we were able to spend the rest of the day outside because the weather was so great.
rainah got chalk all over her. talan tried to eat the chalk. dave taught hayden how to tackle (just what he needs to know). dad and i took pictures, of course.
it was great seeing you, aunt ruth! next time, bring uncle jeff! see you guys in august!

talan loves papa to read him this book:
at first, talan didn't want his feet or hands to touch the grass. he got over it though:
taking a ride:
getting dumped out:

jenn and rainah:
chase. his favorite game:
learning to tackle:
he's delightful:
rainah after eating a cream puff and signing "more":
grandma and the "babies:"
woah. that's a long way down:

this was totally posed. but at least he did what i asked:
jessica and talan:

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