Wednesday, December 17, 2008

cowboy laser tag

on dave's 30th birthday we decided to invite all of our friends for dinner at buddy's pizza and then laser tag. it was so much fun that we have done it every year since.
dave's birthday fell on a saturday this year but since jessica and justin were in germany we decided to wait for a week so they could join us as well. we decided to make it a packed weekend by having dave's work christmas party on friday, going to see the glory of christmas at northridge church on saturday afternoon and then going for dinner later that evening.
this year dave decided to have a cowboy theme and have everyone dress up as an outlaw or a lawdog. hayden decided he wanted to be a lawdog, most likely because he's so bossy. i of course was an outlaw and dave decided to be a lawdog as well so he could be on the same team as hayden.
while at dinner jim probably said it best when he looked at dave and said "no dave, you aren't 12. having your birthday party playing laser tag after a pizza party dressed up as a cowboy. apparently dave is getting younger with each year that passes.
hayden had come down with a stomach virus earlier in the week but was feeling much better just 24 hours after it hit him (actually he felt fine right after he threw up that morning but we kept him out of school for the day). after gettinghayden home from mom's house friday evening he ended up throwing up at about 1 in the morning. once again, he felt perfectly fine but we then had to break the news that he might not be able to play laser tag the next day.
because he was feeling ok we decided he would have to skip going to see the glory of christmas and the pizza part but we would pick him up and take him to play laser tag. thankfully mom came over to our house for almost the entire day so the boys could take their naps and get some rest. she also gothayden all dressed up in his cowboy gear so we could just run home, pick him up and head out.
we had around 25 people show up and i think everyone had a pretty good time. i know hayden did. he actually left his cowboy hat on the entire time he was playing laser tag.
in the end, the lawdogs won both games. but us outlaws put up a good fight. i ended up coming in 3rd and then 6th so i say that i was never apprehended.
happy late birthday, dave!!!

eatin' dinner:

so glad to not be puking and to be playing laser tag:

jeff hunt, andrew, ellanore and heather wood:

ellanore (hayden thinks he's going to marry her), heather and andrew wood:
the lawdogs:
the outlaws:

they love me even though we're on opposite sides of the law:

he loves laser tag, but he couldn't wait to play games and win more tickets:

it's a horrible picture, but he had spurs and everything:

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