Wednesday, December 17, 2008

a very ledco-chargeguard christmas to you!

friday evening was dave's company holiday party at fox hills in plymouth. i believe that every year one of us has been sick for the party. this year i came down with a stomach virus the wednesday before the party but when i woke up on thursday i felt 100% better. it's hard to believe we were both healthy for the party. dave still hasn't gotten it, and everyone else in this house has, so we're hoping he doesn't get it on christmas!
the party planning committee was trying to come up with some kind of fun game for after dinner and the awards and dave came up with a game show in about a day. we went out to the salvation army and bought him a really nice $15 suit and some shoes. he also decided to grow amustache which he had to shave immediately the next day. it was creepy. the game show went over really well and everyone talked about how greatdave did and how his missed his calling.
jessica had worked at ledco for awhile over the summer so her and justin were also invited. they had to leave a little after the game show as justin was dealing with a stomach virus as well. they were the only people to utilize the metro cars since they had driven with us. although i think a couple other people maybe should have.
everyone seemed to have a really good time and they are already asking dave how he's going to top "oklahoma mo stache" next year.

dave giving pedro his award:
table 10 rules. mallory, bobby, carmen and david:
mallory and bobby:
giving rick his gift:

giving mike zani his gift:

let the games begin:
juan keeping things legit:

adena was the buzzer:

dave and his side kick/time keeper juan:

me, mallory and bobby:
the moment the glass broke:
dave pointing out the obvious:
juan, jim and dave:

jim and adena:
katie, brett and jaime:
dave, adena and jim:
nic and dave:
nic, jaime and dave:
lynn and dave:
ebi and sarah had fun:

he creeped me out:
but austin couldn't get enough of oklahoma mo stache:

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