Monday, December 8, 2008

smarch/chall wedding

back on november 29th the whole family drove out to white lake for sarah smarch and jason chall's wedding. we used to go to church with sarah and jason at the bridge in pontiac years ago. sadly, since the bridge ended, i'm not sure that we have even seen them. so we were more than happy to see them there!
we ended up not making it to the wedding because dave was the dj so he had to set up and the set up of the room was a little behind so i helped out with that. plus, we had no idea what we would have done with talan during the ceremony!
the reception was held at the indian springs metro park discovery center. while dave was setting up, i walked around a bit with the boys until it became just too much. we headed back to the reception room and i let the boys run around outside on the balcony for a little bit. eventually we strapped talan into his booster seat and fed him some snacks so that i could help out with the room set up.
we were still lighting candles and finishing a few smaller things when the guests started arriving and talan was still in his booster seat. at that point we put him at our table to wait for dinner. in all, talan probably sat in that booster seat for about 4 hours. and he did GREAT. there were a few screams here and there, but how can there not be when he was strapped down for 4 hours?!
during dinner, jason's grandfather ended up having a diabetic episode but luckily the room was filled with dr.'s and nurses that quickly went to work on him while we waited for the ambulance to show up. thankfully, he was doing really well when the paramedics were taking him out.
once dinner was done dave started up the music for the dancing. the boys were probably the most excited to finally be able to get down from their chairs and show off all of their moves. at dinner we were seated with a family that had two little girls that were both in the wedding. one was 4 1/2 and the other was 2. they were two of the cutest little girls ever and they both were in LOVE with talan. they both kept getting talan to hold hands and dance with the youngest one, but for the most part, he refused. he likes dancing on his own i guess.
everyone seemed to have a really great time and we had a great time seeing a few people we haven't seen since the bridge days. dave even ended up getting another dj job for one of sarah's friends at the end of december.
i didn't get the greatest pictures because i was chasing after two kids all evening, but i got a few.
congratulations, sarah and jason! we are so happy for you and so thankful we could share in your wedding day!

the gourmet cupcakes that hayden just couldn't wait to eat!:

the room is almost done:
table assignments:

sarah and jason:
first dance:

wes and anna:

enjoying cupcakes. i thought his was hilarious, but it was probably because it wasn't my kid:

finally out of their seats and it's time to dance!:

brinn was very intent on getting tessa and talan together:
brinn couldn't do it, so their mom tried:
but talan still ran away:

showing off his spin moves:
hayden was doing the robot:

they didn't lack persistence, that's for sure:

the oldest girl (brinn) was all about trying to get talan to dance but was a little too shy to dance with hayden...but he still tried:

are you freakin' kidding me?! so cute:
jeremy and sarah stephison:
talan (who needs a haircut desperately) and anna west:
jennie and eric shanburn:

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