Sunday, September 6, 2009

an evening, and a wrestling match, with friends

the hader's were in town for labor day weekend, as was mike and elliott lawrie, so amy and tim story graciously opened up their beautiful new home for a get together.
the kids had a great time playing together and it was nice seeing everyone, as we hadn't seen many of them since our trip to lake michigan over memorial weekend.
at one point the kids all had a wrestling match, in which i believe jack and elliott were the easy winners, so i grabbed the camera to take a few pictures. those kids move fast so there weren't many great ones.
hayden spent a lot of his evening playing with jasper.....those two got along swimmingly...which doesn't surprise us nor the hunts.
thanks for having us over, amy and tim! we had a great time!

a wrestling match broke out so, being responsible parents, we went and grabbed our cameras:
i'm willing to guess nobody ever took jack down:

jack tossing hayden around:
it looks like hayden is grabbing ella's butt, sorry about that andrew and heather:
elliott and jasper tackling hayden:

amy hader, amy story, sara, bruce and jeff hunt:
justin, this one's for you:

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