Friday, September 25, 2009

sunny day real estate

so for a minute we forgot that we have 2 kids and we headed out on friday to our second show in just three nites. our friends jennie and eric shanburn headed over to our house and we all went over to niki's for dinner before the show. while we were there our friends michelle and derek swanson walked in which was a great surprise since we haven't seen them in a LONG time. we finished up with dinner and headed over to st. andrew's to see the show. we got there when the opening band was playing their 2nd to last pretty much perfect timing on our parts. while we were standing in our normal the sound stage near the back...we ran into our friend carrie bartus and then finally met up with our friends bill and sarah burns. we felt like quite the little socialites, let me tell you. the show started and i waited to see if other people were taking pictures since there was a sign at the door saying no cameras. i saw a few flashes and figured i'd give it a try. i got a few pictures before some dude that worked for live nation came and took my camera away. the show was great and i was so happy that they actually had a shirt for kids which we got for hayden. it was wonderful seeing so many of our friends, most of whom we never get to see. i picked up my camera at the end of the show and was happy to see they hadn't erased the pictures. so now i will share my bootlegged photos with you. once again, concert lighting doesn't go together with point and shoot cameras. these are the best i could get before the man took me down.

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