Thursday, September 3, 2009

the last days of summer

the whole summer has managed to just about pass us by without a trip to the sprinkler park. it has been a relatively cool summer, one in which we only set our pool up once. and on days that we had planned or thought about going to the sprinkler park, it was raining.
so knowing that these are the last few days we have before hayden has to go back to school, we figured we'd better get to the sprinkler park STAT! so we called up jessica, the woods and nancy and isaac and invited them to all come along with us.
we got there bright and early while there was only 3 other little boys there. it was still a little cool out and the water was freezing, but that didn't stop hayden! talan was a bit more skeptical about it, but he eventually was running around as well.
at one point, hayden, ella and henry decided they wanted to take a break from the water and go play in the sand. when they came back to us they were COVERED in sand. it took quite awhile and lots of scrubbing before most of the sand was washed away.
we stayed for quite awhile before packing up and heading to kilwin's for some ice cream and then we finally made our way back home.
the boys fell asleep as soon as they finished their ice cream. for whatever reason, i thought getting talan BLUE ice cream would be the best idea. so when he fell asleep, he was drooling blue.
they boys had a great day but hayden was a bit bummed that this would be his first and last trip to the sprinkler park until next year!

talan wasn't quite sure what putting his hand on this pole did, but the big kids did it, so he had to as well:
he wasn't that fond of actually running THROUGH the water:

but hayden had no problem standing in the middle of it all:

yes, that is hayden picking on the biggest kid that was there:
talan was just fine sitting in the puddles:
hayden had a great time trying to make the water bottle stay up in the air with some help from the water:

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