Wednesday, February 14, 2007

32 week appointment

yesterday was my 32 week appointment. i'm now on the every 2 week appointment schedule. at the last appointment i had gained 10 pounds in 4 weeks. not good. i wanted to focus more on the month that i gained only 1 pound, but the dr. wouldn't shut up about the current month. whatever. this time around i didn't gain anything. phew.
this pregnancy is about as easy as the last time around. although there are little things, it's still not much to complain about. with hayden, i really never even felt pregnant. this time around, i most definitely do. and have for awhile now. i also get a heat rash type thing anytime i get even remotely warm. good thing it's not summertime.
with hayden it was all super easy even with the extra fluid and his sky high heart rate which sent us to the hospital several times to get it down. after the fact, i found out that technically i was "high risk" which is why i had so many ultrasounds and non-stress tests. he was constantly moving (big surprise, huh?!) but because of the extra fluid, i didn't feel it too often. so it's a little different feeling this one move around all the time. not sure if it's excessive like hayden, or just normal.
at the appointment yesterday the dr. said i'm doing great and everything looks "beautiful." the babies head is already down (it seems i have cooperative babies in's just when they come out there's a problem) and the heart rate has always been perfect and healthy. the past 2 visits he has told me that the baby is measuring larger so the next time i go in he'll give me an ultrasound slip so that i can go in around 35 or 36 weeks to have them take a look and see just how big it really is. i don't have much faith in this, as through the whole pregnancy with hayden they told me "this is a really big baby." he came out at 7 pounds 4 ounces. liars.
but he is wanting to keep a really close eye on me and will check for dilation in the next few weeks as they are a bit nervous at how fast this labor could be. i think the most anticipation i have right now, besides leaving my horrible awful job in just 4 1/2 more weeks, is how the whole labor thing will turn out this time. i just hope my water breaks as that was the only indication i had that i was in labor. if i don't have that warning, i'm thinking there is a really good chance we won't make it to the hospital. but of course, i'm fully prepared for the joke that could be coming my way in the form of a 32 hour labor.


Anonymous said...

If you need someone to scream to or possibly throw things at... I'm your chick.

Your a tuff cookie.

May the force be with you.


Anonymous said...

hilarious - love your new blog. it reads like you talk. I laughed out loud a few times :) Keep posted on the new baby.