Monday, February 26, 2007

basement update

this weekend dave managed to get most of the office in the basement done. the door is on order which is holding up a few things, but nothing major. the main walls are up, mudded, sanded and primed. they are now ready for the paint which should go on tomorrow. at some point we'll need to figure out what to do about flooring, but that's not a huge concern right now. it will be a functional room until we have the time and funds to do all the other little things to it.
once the paint goes up, we can hopefully start moving in some of the furniture which means clearing out the current office. so hopefully i'll be able to start the priming and painting in the nursery by next week.
i'm pretty proud of dave since he took on this project and did it all himself. there was only one day where he had a friend helping him, but other than that, he's done it all. he even did the priming. and let's just say painting is not dave's strong point.
i took some pictures the other day of the progress, but for whatever reason, our camera will not download pictures onto this computer. which means i'll need to wait to get them onto dave's laptop and go from there. but i'll get ya a sequence of photos at some point so you can see all that he has done.

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