Wednesday, February 28, 2007

34 week appointment

so yesterday was my 34 week appointment. nothing new. i only gained 2 pounds which means that was only a 2 pound weight gain this month. sure beats the 10 pound weight gain last month!!! he said i was still measuring a little big so i will call to schedule an appointment for an ultrasound in the next week or 2. he's not concerned, just wants to see what the ultrasound shows as to how big this baby might be. i don't have any belief in their measuring or the ultrasound as they told us from very early on what a big baby hayden was. but it will be fun to get to see the baby one more time in utero.
every time i go in, the dr. asks me if i've had any contractions. i have always told him no. then i've wondered, is that the right answer? am i supposed to be feeling some? so about a month ago he asked and i said "no. well, i don't know. maybe. i'm not really the best person to ask that question to. see, i didn't know i was in labor until about 10 seconds before hayden popped out." so this time he asked and again i said "nope." to which he replied, "one of these days we'll get you contracting." so i was like...oh, so i AM supposed to be feeling some? so i told him that i have felt some tightening at times, which i figure are braxton hicks contractions. but i wouldn't really call them contractions. it really is a special thing to feel so out of touch with your body! doesn't bother me any. i'll be perfectly happy to take another labor just like last time. not knowing or feeling a thing until the very last minute.
as far as the basement. the first coat of paint is up and dry. it probably only needs one coat, but dave really wants to give it 2. and who am i to argue?! so hopefully tonite he'll put the last coat of paint up and then we can start moving some furniture to the basement. he has to work saturday so i'm hoping to have this room cleared out so that i can begin to prime it while he's gone. there's still A TON to get done, but it's slowly happening.

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