Wednesday, October 31, 2007

cedar point

months ago i was talking to justin about cedar point. he's never been so we decided to plan a trip once jessica and he were back in michigan. we really only had a couple of dates to pick from and we ended up going on sunday which was the last day of the season. for whatever reason, they have found that most people don't like riding roller coasters in the snow. so after having a surprise welcome home party for jessica on saturday, we all woke up way too early on sunday and put on our winter coats, hats and mittens and headed to our friend bobby's house.
bobby owns a limo company so we were able to use one of his limos for the trip. jessica, justin, dave, myself, tina taylor, bobby and brianna flowers and mallory artman all piled in and headed off around 7:45am. but first, a stop at the tim horton's drive-thru was needed for those coffee addicts, and believe me, the person at the drive-thru and all those behind us weren't so happy to see us. poor dave had to do all the ordering and even had to get out of the car to get everything from the window. we learned our lesson and when we were headed home, we just went inside the restaurant:

bobby has a rule that he won't stop for bathroom breaks, and i'm so totally down with that. however, he ended up stopping anyway for those that really had to go. i was glad i went inside since the hardees was now serving blueberry biscuits which has now become my most favorite saying "great blueberry biscuits!" hanging outside the rest stop. mallory, tina, justin, jessica, bobby and brianna:
bobby tried getting a driver for us so he could ride in the back with us, but it didn't happen. maybe next year. thanks for driving bobby! i love the expressions on all three of their faces in this picture:
we finally made it and the great pumpkin lady and black crow were there to welcome bobby and brianna:
mallory, bobby and brianna in line for the rapture:
i don't go on rides that spin around. and for whatever reason, everyone else thought it would be a great idea to ride on the monster. so i stood back and took pictures and tried not to puke just by looking at it:

this one is just a reminder for mom that, JOHN DENVER IS DEAD:
tina, jessica and justin at the "hitchin' post" in line for the maverick. it just opened this year, so the line was the longest out of any of the rides. probably about an hour and a half, which would have been doubled if it were the summer. it was well worth the wait though, cuz that ride was great. even jessica agreed after she almost puked from fear while in line. oh, and jessica later lost this hat going on the iron dragon of all rides. they tried finding it, but it was never recovered:
bobby and dave waiting for the maverick:
justin after the maverick. i'm totally buying him that hat for christmas:
so i went to cedar point 2 years ago as a leader for a church youth group. i went on every roller coaster except the top thrill dragster. the kids begged me to go on it and they all went on as soon as we got there. after all day of begging me, i finally decided i'd do it. why not? i go on everything else. but the line was so long and we didn't have enough time. i wasn't that heartbroken. so this year we go, and tina and the boys can't wait to get on this thing. once again i decide against going. at the time they were only taking 7 people in each car so it would have been a super long wait. everyone decided to wait until later in the day to go. after talking jessica into going on several roller coasters that she swore she would never go on, i decided i had to take my own advice and go on the dragster. so at the end of the nite, in the dark, i finally rode on top thrill dragster.
this ride is incredible. there are grandstands that people sit in to watch this thing take off. the whole ride only lasts 17 seconds. it goes from 0 to 120 miles per hour in 4 seconds. it shoots you basically straight up and then you come pretty much straight down. it wasn't so much the hill that scared the crap out of me as it was the speed. but just as i knew would happen, i loved it and will be going back on it again at least once next year. maybe i'll even talk jess into it.

here it is. top thrill dragster. in the dark. i mentioned i went in the dark, right?!:
dave rode in the very front car and somehow kept his hands up the entire time. he said it actually hurt at times to keep them up. that's dedication:
tina and myself waiting for the light to turn green:
dave was able to get this picture right when it was taking off. insanity i tell you:
after a long day, here we all are. jessica, justin, tina, brianna, mallory, bobby, dave an myself:
out of all of the roller coaster jessica rode, i think i'm most proud of the fact that she is finally eating MEAT!:

i think i forgot to mention that brianna just turned 9 years old. she went on everything except for the top thrill dragster. that girl is a machine! we all had an amazing time and have already talked about next year's trip. i highly suggest going late in the season like this. the lines were short and it was so nice being able to wear jeans and sweatshirts. the nite got a little cold, ok, maybe a lot cold, but it closed at 8 so we weren't out there in the cold dark for too long.
thanks, mom and dad, for watching the boys. thanks again bobby for driving, thanks teens and boys for getting me to ride dragster. thanks cedar point for the buy one get one free cotton candy. thanks mallory and brianna and bobby and dave and tina and justin and jessica for going and for making the day super duper!

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