Wednesday, October 31, 2007

pumpkin carving

as you can see by the number of posts on all three blogs, we've had a busy month over here. and i didn't even post the dessert baking day in which tina and i almost burned the house down, or the surprise welcome home party we had for jessica or the trick or treating we did in downtown plymouth last nite. i'm thinking after tonite things are going to start slowing down. but we'll see.
on monday nite jessica, justin and tina came over to carve pumpkins. this is yet another first for justin. we aren't quite sure why he has never carved pumpkins before. i mean, he lives in florida, not mars. he also had no idea that you eat pumpkin seeds. so that was another first.
hayden painted pumpkins with water based paints, so that went over well. talan was perfectly fine jumping in his jumper and then continued to be totally fine when we shoved him in a cold pumpkin. tina and justin did the carving. jessica played on her computer after scraping the pumpkin out and i roasted the pumpkin seeds and took pictures. i did some of the scraping too.

jessica actually doing some work:
this picture was totally posed because hayden doesn't like getting his hands "all yucky":
and here is what talan did the whole time:
until we made him do this:

here is what jessica did most of the time:
water based paints aren't that great for pumpkins. but he wanted that rather than markers:

yes, that is paint all over his hands, arms, body and face:
justin getting down to business:
tina making her masterpiece:

the finished product. good work guys!:

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