Tuesday, October 23, 2007

finally, life will be back to normal

we have been counting down the days until jessica came home from haiti since she left back in early may. hayden and grandma made a chain and hayden would rip one off every morning and get all excited about how few days were left.
jessica's flight got back to michigan at 10:05pm on sunday evening. we all had told jessica that jenn would be coming in from grand rapids on monday and i would come over to the house with the boys after hayden got done with school. instead, we all decided to surprise her and show up to the airport. mom and dad waited for her at the gate as we all hid around the corner. we had hayden run up behind her to give her a hug as we all followed behind him. i tried to take some pictures but they turned out pretty dark and grainy. i'll probably keep them forever for myself, but they just weren't worth posting. she was so surprised to see us all and we were all so happy to be able to just hug her once again.
hayden skipped school on monday and we all hung out at mom and dad's house with jessica all day long. we saw some of her many pictures and heard a few stories. it really is inspiring to see everything she did for those people. i know that they will all miss her, but we certainly are glad to have her back home.
i'm so excited to have life back to normal again. i can't wait for catan nites with jessica now involved and to see her once again just falling asleep on my couch when we have nothing to do. and i'm most excited that the boys have her back in their lives.
welcome home, jessica. you will never know just how much we really missed you.

minutes before running out to jump in jessica's arms. this is the card hayden made for jessica:

getting to see the babies for the first time since they were 1 and 4 months old:

this is more like it:

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